In order to lose inches with a workout, there are several things that you need to be doing correctly.
But first, read the list below and see if you are making any of these mistakes when trying to burn fat with a workout:
1. Doing long cardio routines (30-60 minutes) on a treadmill, elliptical, bike, rowing machine, etc.
2. Using the strength training machines AFTER you use the cardio machines.
3. Trying to burn fat from your belly by doing lots of crunches.
Are you making any of these mistakes?
If so, I can almost guarantee that your efforts to workout have not paid off the way you had hoped.
This article will show you some great ways to make progress.
Instead of doing long boring "same speed" cardio routines, try....
1. Interval Training
Interval training is a great way to workout because it is faster and more effective than the long cardio routines that you are currently doing at the same speed.
When you burn fat with an interval training workout, you use both high and low intensities for set periods of time.
For example, you would start by warming up for 5 minutes. Then you would increase the pace a little bit for the next 2 minutes, and then go very hard for 1 minute. You would then repeat the 2 minutes moderate/1 minute fast interval 3-6 times.
If you do this, you will find that you have yourself a great cardio workout that will help you burn fat by increasing your metabolism!
Instead of doing the strength training machines, try....
2. Total Body Resistance Training Workouts 2-3 times per week.
Total body resistance training is an excellent way to burn fat because it is more intense, adds more lean muscle mass, and will help to increase your metabolism!
Here is an example of a total body resistance training workout that will help to burn fat:
1. DB incline chest press
2. Bodyweight split squats
3. DB bent over row
4. Hamstring leg curls on a stability ball
5. DB overhead shoulder press
6. Planks
7. DB squat, curl, and press
REPS: 10-15 REST: 30-60 secs between each exercise and set ROUNDS: 2-3
*Do interval training after you do total body resistance training*
Even if you don't know these exercises, the important thing is that you understand why using this type of workout is an excellent way to burn more fat.
By working more muscles, you add more lean muscle mass, which increases your metabolism so that you burn more fat while being active and at rest!
By using your bodyweight and dumbbells to burn fat with this type of workout you will find that it is more challenging in a good way! Instead of sitting down at a strength training machine you are doing more natural movements.
So in conclusion, an excellent way to burn fat with a workout is to combine both total body resistance training with interval training. This will help to get you a step away from the current fat loss workout that has you in a plateau! Its time to burn some fat with this type of workout, so go give it a try!
Good luck =)